Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hello! I'm doing my English blog in computers class. I expect that people write something here. Bye


  1. HEllo again, now I'm checking my blog so I would like to keep in touch with english class people and even my friends... Why not? However, my friends should write here in English, so Let's practice!

  2. Hi Carmen! what's up?
    I've just checked your blog and signed in it, as you can see, so now on I'll be your follower.
    I hope rest of class-mates do the same.
    Bye my friend

  3. Mari Carmen, I also want to be your follower but I can't, so in "permissions" of your blog's configuration put my mail adress, therefore I would write a message in your blog.

  4. Tomorrow I'm going to relax in Calaceite for 3 days, I hope to click off but I'm bringing with me "The Black Album", you know?
    Have a nice Easter Holidays to everybody! (I hope not to have any traffic jam during my trip!)

  5. Darlings!!!!I'm here with us!!!jejejej
    How can I send you my invitation to my new blog???
    See you!!

  6. Hi!!!!
    I want to invite MariCarmen to my blog!!!!
    What can I do? How I invite her? MariCarmen , send me your mail please !!!

  7. HI cARME!!!
    We missed you the last class without you!
    There aren't homeworks...but remember: You have to study for your Grammar exam for next Tuesday (21-4)


  8. Hi everybody! Today I would like to talk a little bit about my three days in Calaceite (Teruel)during my easter holidays. First of all, the weather was very bad so we hardly got out for walking or enjoying the landscape like the Matarraña's river which in summer is really nice...Anyway, we stayed a bit old house so we got cold the first day but the following days we were more comfortable than before. We had a barbacue, and a delightful "paella" after this I read some chapter of "The black Album" just every now and then,because most of the time we spent all afternoons playing cards.
    The most important of those days was I got the aim of my trip: to click off and relax.

  9. You're lucky!!!despiete of weather, you could get some days to relax out of your home...

    I spent all the weekend in my house,but I could finish my book (Black Album)...It's a bit hard...

  10. Hi Carmen!
    Finally I found your blog, It's difficult to find classmate's blogs if you are not invited o posted in the forum of the EOI web.

    However! I'm ready your follower!

    Happy St.George's day!

  11. Hi everybody! How was your St.George's day? Did you receive some rose? And did you buy some book?
    Well, I always love this special day because Barcelona city is full of roses and books along the streets so people are really happy looking for a beautiful rose or an interesting book to give someone special. Moreover, this day regards to a tradicional tale about "St.George and the dragon" which was very nice because it belongs to a love story between a princess and knight.
    In this lovers's day most catalan people get some book so we can also apply to the day of the reading as well! that is very important for the growth of our intelligence and,furthermore, makes our mind open in all senses!
    Anyway, enjoy the weekend and don't forget the English reading!

    Loads of hugs

  12. Wow Carmen! Think you have post in a strange way, not creating a new post but making comments.. That way just appears one comment and me in your entirely blog and me as a follower don't receive your uploadings in your blog.
    Anyway, I write you just to say that I'm not in that penpal's page you told me, in fact I'm in nowhere, hehe. I don't remember where I found my Finland friends but I wish you good luck with your research!!

    C ya at class!

  13. Hello classmates!
    While mostly friends are watching Barça-football-match I'm reading "the Black Album" and it's a bit hard, above all, the way of writing and vocabulary. By now,I can't understand the aim of the book (asian people against european people and even diferences between asian people..,)
    Anyway,I hope I get it when I finish it, furthermore, I hope I'm able to do a good exam and it doesn't quite tricky !!


  14. Hello!
    Last Saturday night I met some friends in Barcelona centre who have lived in Italy since 2004 and I hadn’t met each other since the last day of the year. We went for a dinner in a restaurant where offers customers different sort of delightful meals. At the end of the dinner and while we were eating some delicious deserts, one of them confessed she would like to have a baby again. Oh what a surprise! It was a long time ago that anybody explained to me good news like that! Lately, I just hear things related to death and illness. After dinner, we went for a drink and we ended up in a pub where music alive is played so it was quite funny because we almost knew most of the songs which reminded us a lot of memories! Unfortunately, I don’t know when I meet them again…:(
    Well people, see you on next thursday
    Lots of hugs

  15. Hello people!
    How you doing?
    Have you realised this week is the last one of the English class?
    I couldn’t believe it! We have been studying hard during all year and now we need to relax, don’t we? But just a little bit…Why? Because this summer I’m going to London for seventeen days to study a semi-intensive course of English!! Moreover, I’m staying in a very large semidetached 1930 built house which has a garden. According to the students’ agency, the house has been decorated in a traditional style which has five large rooms to international students.
    It was a long time ago I wanted to live this experience so I hope to enjoy it and to improve my English, above all “speaking” and “listening”. In fact, that’s my aim of the flight.
    Anyway, What about you? Have you plan your summer holidays yet?

    Well, I hope you to enjoy too!

    See you today in English class!
